Midwest WA GeoTrail Proposal

The Midwest of Western Australia possesses a remarkable array of geological landscapes and rock and mineral formations. These include some of the oldest existing on our planet at Jack Hills (dating back 4.4 billion years) to some of the youngest, with fossilised reef formations perched along our coast from just ~10 thousand years ago when sea levels were higher than at present.

Banded ironstones inland, ancient marine ammonite beds, glacial deposits, dinosaur bones (of the 6 found in WA, 4 come from Bringo), copper, lead and other ores, talc, mineral sands and dunes of garnet, are just some that come to mind. And the landscapes – the offshore islands, coastal dunes, flat-topped ranges, deeply incised river courses, desert lakes, dunes and plains – are in themselves spectacular and tell the story of our “vast timeless land”.

Scinapse has come on board with the Batavia Coast Maritime Heritage Association’s proposal for a Midwest GeoTrail. There are two parts proposed;

Part 1) A collection of large (1+ metre high) rock and mineral samples displayed along the walkway of the Geraldton Esplanade

Part 2) A drive trail connecting sites of geological interest (minerals, rocks and landforms) with appropriate interpretive signage.

Over 30 geologists and organisations have come on board, bringing much expertise and experience in both the geology of the district and the geotrail concept. The City of Greater Geraldton is supportive and the opportunity is there to tap into a similar proposal being worked on with the inland shires, coordinated by the Mid West Development Commission.

It is early days yet and if you would like to become involved or just kept in the loop please contact the convenor and Scinapse Committee member Howard Gray. Email bcmha@westnet.com.au or phone 0427065060.

Any ideas or input will be greatly appreciated!


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